An overnight stay in Bruges is more expensive than in London

An overnight stay in Bruges is more expensive than in London

An overnight stay in Bruges is, on average, more costly than in metropolises like London, Paris, or Hong Kong. This is according to a study by the online price comparison site GoEuro, which looked at prices for more than 60,000 lodgings in 150 cities in the world. La Libre Belgique reported on it on Tuesday. GoEuro analyzed hotels (1 to 5 stars) and youth hostels, but also lodgings offered on the internet site Airbnb.

 Bruges is ranked twelfth out of 150 cities with an average price of 105 euros a night. Namur (70 euros) is the second most expensive Belgian town, followed by Gent (69 euros) Liège (63 euros) Antwerp (62 euros), Brussels (60 euros), Louvain (57 euros) and Mons (53 euros).

At international level, New York is the most expensive place to stay (198 euros), more expensive than St-Moritz in Switzerland (147 euros) and Macao in China (135 euros).

(Source: Belga)

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