Building sector activists to sleep overnight in front of European Parliament in protest against social dumping

Building sector activists to sleep overnight in front of European Parliament in protest against social dumping

Several activists from FGTB-Construction (General Federation of Belgian Labour – building sector) will spend the night in a container on Place du Luxembourg in Brussels in front of the European Parliament on Tuesday, as part of an action against social dumping launched by the Socialist union on Monday. “Activists will sleep in the container,” revealed Robert Vertenueil, federal secretary of FGTB, on Tuesday. “This container will be covered with pictures showing how victims of social dumping are housed in our country.” The action is part of a movement launched against social dumping by FGTB-Construction which started on Monday, and which will culminate in a gathering of activists in a joint trade union front on Place du Luxembourg in Brussels at 11:00am on Wednesday.

“Actions are scheduled in Charleroi, Antwerp, and Ghent, on Tuesday,” adds Mr. Vertenueil. “Activists are heading for worksites where we know, based on our delegates’ feedback, that social dumping is occurring. They are handing out leaflets. Some symbolic worksites are involved, such as the Finance Tower in Liege, or Rive Gauche in Charleroi. In Namur, a short visit to the social inspectorate will aim to protest against its lack of means. In Brussels, we are handing out leaflets to MEPs from the Employment committee who are going to debate the SUP directive (on one-man businesses) tonight, as we fear these will only increase social dumping.

At the gathering of activists on Wednesday, testimonies from workers in the transport, building and food sectors will precede speeches by FGTB, CSC and CGSLB union leaders.

(Source: Belga)

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