70 people protest in front of former magistrate Panier’s farm in Floriffoux

70 people protest in front of former magistrate Panier’s farm in Floriffoux

Approximately 70 people gathered in front of the farm of former magistrate Christian Panier in Floriffoux, in the Floreffe council, Namur region, on Sunday at 2:00pm, following his announcement that he would be receiving Michelle Martin there. The protest had been banned by Floreffe alderman Andre Bodson. But in spite of social networks expecting 1,400 people, only approximately 70 came, noted police commissioner Jean-Louis Galetta, commander of the Entre Sambre-et Meuse region. Police forces asked protesters to leave at 3:00pm before dispersing the crowd which was chanting “Martin go to prison” and “Martin, Panier, associates”.

Sent by local and federal police authorities, approximately 40 policemen, most of them in uniform, were on site. They made 2 administrative arrests. Most of the protesters belong to the far-right group Nation or the Stand Up Belgians movement of former MP Laurent Louis. The 2 sides insulted each other somewhat at the start of the protest.

The former president of the first court of appeal in Namur revealed he would welcome the former wife and accomplice of paedophile murderer Marc Dutroux at his home, on Tuesday. Until now, Michelle Martin was living at the Clarisses convent in Malonne, a few kilometres from Floriffoux. A call to protest at the Panier home circulated on social media from Wednesday.

Jean-Denis Lejeune, father of Julie, one of Marc Dutroux’s victims, indicated he did not support this protest.

(Source: Belga)  

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