Charles Michel: “I don’t dance to the N-VA’s tune”

Charles Michel: “I don’t dance to the N-VA’s tune”

“I don’t dance to the N-VA’s tune”, admits Prime Minister Charles Michel. He said the nationalists and he himself had very different views on nuclear power. He was interviewed by the Sudpresse paper s on Saturday.

“I don’t dance to the N-VA’s tune! And I admit that the N-VA and myself have very different views on nuclear power”, Mr Michel replied when asked about the influence of the N-VA President Bart De Wever.

“The law has been voted in and it applies to everyone, including Bart De Wever. I think working with this law is showing real political courage”, the Prime Minister said. He said he was “determined to have a credible energy pact”.

When asked if the State Secretary for Immigration and Asylum, Theo Francken (N-VA), still had a place in his government after the recent scandal involving the deportation of Sudanese refugees, the Prime Minister refused to make a “hypothetical statement”. “What matters to me is that the government’s policy was correctly applied: as for the rest, there is an ongoing inquiry and I am waiting to hear its findings. I am not scared f transparency in this case. On the contrary, that’s exactly what I want”, the liberal MP said.

He added that unlike the former Minister Jacqueline Galant (MR), who had to resign, Secretary Francken’s cabinet is not withholding information.  

(Source: Belga) 

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