January 2020 was 3.1°C warmer than average in Europe

January 2020 was 3.1°C warmer than average in Europe
In Europe, too, it was the warmest January ever. Credit: Rawpixel

The past month of January was, on average, 3.1°C warmer than the average January months of 1981-2010 in Europe.

In some places, it was up to 6°C warmer than usual, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service, which monitors weather and climate data in detail. Worldwide, it was the warmest January ever recorded, surpassing the previous 2016 record with 0.03°C, reports VRT.

In Europe, too, it was the warmest January ever, being 0.2°C warmer than the previous record in 2007.

Compared to the 1981-2010 period, which is not the period from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, but more recently, when global warming had already begun, January 2020 was 3.1°C warmer than average.

Large parts of the northeast of Europe were even 6°C than normal, over the whole month. Especially Norway, Sweden, Finland and the west of Russia were noticeably warmer, according to the Service.

Maïthé Chini

The Brussels Times

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