The possible future US ambassador for the EU predicts the end of the European Union

The possible future US ambassador for the EU predicts the end of the European Union

Ted Malloch, who is the favourite to become the US ambassador for the EU, has told the German press he thinks the EU will eventually cease to exist. He said the UK’s exit is just the first step. “If you look at Europe, you can almost place two letters in front of the word “exit” already”, he told Der Spiegel. 

He was referring to the word generally used for the UK’s exit, “Brexit”, which can be changed to “Grexit” (for Greece for example), or “Frexit” (for France).

Mr Malloch, who has already held diplomatic positions for the United States in the past, is predicted to be the next American ambassador for the EU.

During the interview, he also stated he thought the Euro “was a failed experiment” and that if he worked for an investment bank he “would have bet against the Euro”.

The heads of the PPE (right), the Socialist Party and liberals in the European Parliament asked the EU not to accept him as the future ambassador on Thursday. 

(Source: Belga)

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