Some 50 farmers staged a protest against the Mercosur deal outside the European Parliament on Monday morning.
The protest took place at Place Jean Rey between 10:00 and 12:00. Demonstrators called on Member States to vote against the bloc's trade agreement with Mercosur countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) in Latin America. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced the deal's conclusion last week.
The EU-Mercosur agreement aims to facilitate trade between the two blocs by reducing import tariffs on European cars, textiles and machinery. South American countries, in turn, would be able to export agricultural products to Europe at lower costs.
Mercosur has been in the works for years and has been met with hostility by various opposition groups in Europe, namely farmers who fear a negative impact on their livelihoods. Agricultural organisations are urging MEPS and national and regional agriculture ministers to take a firm stance against it.

Credit: Belga / Hatim Kaghat
"This free trade agreement is a sad result after a quarter of a century of negotiations," said president of agricultural organisation Boerenbond Lode Ceyssens. "This agreement deceives the European farmer and European consumer. Studies by the European Commission also show that the trade balance with Mercosur countries will deteriorate by as much as €1 billion because of this agreement."
"Wallonia is listening to you," Walloon Minister of Agriculture Anne-Catherine Dalcq (MR) told protestors. "As long as there are no guarantees and mirror clauses in the agreement, Wallonia will say 'no' and Belgium must abstain from the Council vote. The final agreement must respect farmers."
By "mirror clauses" Dalcq is referring to an absence of regulations on farmers in Mercosur countries which are imposed on farmers in Europe.
Flemish Minister of Agriculture Jo Brouns (CD&V) echoed these concerns, emphasising the importance of sustainable agricultural practices for European farmers.
🌍 De ondertekening van het Mercosur-akkoord roept vragen op over het gelijk speelveld voor onze Vlaamse en Europese landbouwers. We zullen de nieuwe teksten analyseren en toezien of ze onze boeren voldoende beschermen en de handelsbelangen in evenwicht brengen. Voor ons blijft…
— Wouter Beke (@wbeke) December 6, 2024
Translation: The signing of the Mercosur agreement raises questions about the level playing field for our Flemish and European farmers. We will analyse the new texts and see whether they sufficiently protect our farmers and balance trade interests. For us, fair trade remains an absolute priority.
Belgian MEP Wouter Beke (EPP) attended the protest to express his solidarity with the farmers. He agreed that European farmers have to adhere to high standards that are not imposed on South American farmers.
Benoît Cassart (Renew), another Belgian MEP, argued that the agreement sends a negative message to young farmers in Europe, potentially discouraging them from pursuing a career in agriculture.