Disruption forecast as works start on cycle/footbridge over Ring

Disruption forecast as works start on cycle/footbridge over Ring
© De Werkvennootschap

Work began last night on the installation of a new bridge for cyclists and pedestrians over the Brussels Ring and Woluwelaan in the north of the capital.

The work will be carried out at night tonight and over the next two weekends, contractors De Werkvennootschap said. The bridge is 168m long and will link the towns of Zaventem and Machelen. Last night’s works, which continue tonight, involved the installation of the first and second bridge element, and the closure of the inner ring-road of the R22 by Zaventem.

The works are part of the F3-HST ‘cycling highway’ between Zaventem and Machelen, running alongside the existing high-speed railway line. The new link will cut 4km from the closest existing crossing at Henneaulaan. The bridge also has a wall to screen users from passing trains, and a total of five meters of space for cyclists and pedestrians.

Work began last night at 21.00 and the first phase ended at 07.00 this morning. A diversion was provided for traffic coming from the A201.

For the next phase beginning on Saturday 5 February at 22.00 and lasting until 08.00 on Sunday, parts three and four of the bridge will be installed without the need for any diversions.

Finally, the last two sections will be placed the following weekend (21.00-07.00), involving the closure of the approach to the Ring at Henneaulaan. A diversion will be in place.

The bridge will complete the cycle highway between Leuven and Brussels, following the railway line between the two cities.

“With the Working on the Ring programme we are making the spacious northern edge around Brussels liveable and more accessible again,” contractors De Werkvennootschap said in a statement.

“We are fully committed to improving accessibility by bicycle: the existing bicycle infrastructure will be substantially expanded and improved. Public transport will also receive a major upgrade with three new tram lines. We will tackle the Ring itself thoroughly to achieve a better and safer flow of car traffic.”

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