Queen Mathilde kicks off mental-health walks

Queen Mathilde kicks off mental-health walks
Credit: Belga

Queen Mathilde on Wednesday launched a series of walks and bicycle rides under the theme of “Move together for mental health,” with a view to delivering a positive message around mental well-being as she celebrates her 50th birthday next year.

Between July and December, the Queen will cycle or walk in each of the ten provinces and in Brussels Region, accompanied by people and organizations that are developing projects around mental well-being.

On each occasion, she will cover up to 20 kilometers on foot or 30 kilometers by bicycle.

The activity kicked off in West Flanders on Wednesday, when Mathilde went on a cycling trip in the Vloethemveld and Bulskampveld areas, south of Bruges, in the company of partially sighted and blind residents of the Licht & Liefde Center in Varsenare.

“I want to take advantage of my 50th birthday to emphasize how important it is to take care of your mental health,” Queen Mathilde commented. “Regular movement boosts your mood and reduces stress.”

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