Angela Merkel awarded the 2022 Unesco Peace Prize for her efforts to welcome refugees

Angela Merkel awarded the 2022 Unesco Peace Prize for her efforts to welcome refugees
Credit: Belga

Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Tuesday received the 2022 Unesco Peace Prize for “her efforts to welcome refugees.”

“All members of the jury were touched by her courageous decision in 2015 to welcome more than 1.2 million refugees, including from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Eritrea. This is the legacy she leaves,” said the chair of the jury, Denis Mukwege, winner of the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize.

The distinction, officially called the Félix-Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize, is named after the late former president of Côte d’Ivoire. It has been awarded each year since 1989 to individuals, organisations or institutions that have endeavored to promote, seek or maintain peace.

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