Industrial consumption of electricity expected to increase by 50% in Belgium by 2030

Industrial consumption of electricity expected to increase by 50% in Belgium by 2030
Credit: Belga

Industrial electricity consumption in Belgium is expected to increase by 50% by 2030, electricity system operator Elia said on Friday following the presentation of the main findings of its study 'Powering Industry towards Net Zero.'

The transmission and network operator believes electricity will play a key role in the transformation of European industry.

Elia sees electrification and the accelerated development of renewable energy sources as the main tools to reduce Belgium’s dependency on fossil fuels over the next two decades.

Developing grid infrastructure

There is currently little interaction between industry and the electricity grid, but the grid operator expects this to change soon, as companies will use the grid much more dynamically.

The timely construction of grid infrastructure is therefore a key factor in keeping pace with industry’s electrification ambitions, attracting new innovative projects and anchoring the industry in Europe, Elia argues.

From 2030 onwards, the electricity system operator expects a gradual shift to low-carbon electrons and an increase in volume demand in heavy industry.

New energy sources crucial to lowering prices

“To achieve industrial transformation, in addition to heavy investments in industrial electrification and renewable energy production, we also need to invest heavily in our grid infrastructure and digitalisation,” said Elia CEO Chris Peeters.

“Industry, the electricity sector and the government will have to work more closely together for this,” he added.

According to Elia, the development of renewable energy sources must be accelerated to bring down energy prices for industry and society.

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