Leuven and its university to keep cooperating on carillon culture

An agreement between the City of Leuven and the Catholic University of Leuven on cooperation on carillon culture was unanimously approved by the Leuven City Council on Monday evening.

There are five carillons in Leuven, one each in the University Library, the Great Beguinage, Park Abbey, St. Peter’s Church and St. Gertrude’s Church.

The first two carillons are owned by the university, the next two by the city government and the last one by the church administration of St. Gerlach.

In 2020, the two partners had already set up a programme highlighting carillon culture. For this they were able to secure the services of carillonneur Luc Rombouts, who regularly plays one of the five carillons.

This past summer, the city hosted the Leuven Bells Carillon Festival, where visitors were able to enjoy a total of sixteen carillon concerts.

Since the city council and the university are satisfied with the past years' achievements, the cooperation will be continued, they said.

The new agreement runs from 1 January 2023 to the end of 2025. It is not yet known which activities or concerts will take place there in the coming years.

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