
Looking for… THE END OF THE WORLD! A climate expedition aboard the Belgica

The King Baudouin Foundation is celebrating the 125th anniversary of the Belgian Antarctic Expedition, the scientific expedition aboard the Belgica, by inviting visitors to the BELvue Museum to embark on a climate expedition.

Looking for… THE END OF THE WORLD! A climate expedition aboard the Belgica
La Belgica stuck in ice. Credit: de Gerlache Polar Memory asbl/vzw

The free exhibition "Looking for...THE END OF THE WORLD! A climate expedition aboard the Belgica" is currently running until February 4th 2024 in which you will discover the story of the Belgica's crew, learn about today's climate challenges, and discover what role we play in the future of a sustainable world. A real scientific adventure!

During this voyage, visitors will learn how the planet, as we currently inhabit it, is reaching the limits of its resources, but also that each and every one of us can play a part in creating a new, sustainable world.

The exhibition will begin by recalling the extraordinary human challenge represented by the voyage and wintering of the polar ship 'Belgica' on the 'White Continent', and the fabulous scientific treasure trove brought back by Captain Adrien de Gerlache's crew. These men, from 6 different countries, were the authors of the first major scientific expedition to Antarctica, where they went without any territorial or commercial ambitions.

Commander of the Belgian Antarctic Expedition, Adrien de Gerlache. Photo: Follo museum, MiA

But the Antarctic as discovered by the men of the Belgica is not the same as it is today, such as melting ice and many species in peril. Similarly, the world in which we live is reaching the limits of its resources, whose exploitation is causing major climate disruption. The exhibition will take the pulse of a planet on its last legs, challenging humans to ensure their own survival.

So it's time to become active citizens of a new world, where everyone, as individuals and as members of the human community, takes action to create sustainable living conditions for all. The exhibition will offer the public practical and concrete ways of taking action in favour of a world where new perspectives are opening up.

"Looking for...THE END OF THE WORLD! A climate expedition aboard the Belgica" at the BELvue Museum until February 4th 2024.

You don't have to book your ticket in advance but if you want to book tickets for a group of 10 or more, or for your school, then you should book in advance - please visit the BELvue Museum webpage here.

The Brussels Times is an official Media Partner for this event at BELvue Museum

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