Thousands of people demonstrate against racism in Brussels city centre

Thousands of people demonstrate against racism in Brussels city centre
Credit: Belga/Nicolas Maeterlinck

Several thousand people took to the streets in Brussels on Sunday afternoon to demonstrate against racism and for equal rights, at the initiative of various organisations, including 'Stap tegen Racisme' supported by around 170 civil society organisations.

The collective took local action in about 15 Belgian cities from 2021 to 2023, but because 2024 is an important political year, it was decided to organise a major national action.

"The central message of the demonstration is that no one should be a second-class citizen," said the organisers. "Discrimination denies people with a migration background the right to quality work, education, and (social) housing."

Credit: Belga/Nicolas Maeterlinck

"Studies show, for example, that with equal school results, children with a migration background are referred more quickly to vocational or technical education. For one in six job applications, a candidate is discriminated against based on alleged skin colour or background," they added.

"Practical tests on the rental market show time and time again discrimination against prospective tenants based on name, origin or skin colour."

Paving the way for the extreme right

While discrimination is illegal, the demonstrators denounced that there are hardly any government controls and the number of convictions can be counted on one hand.

"Racism and discrimination divide our society into first and second-class citizens. Not responding as a society and government against racism and discrimination means paving the way for the extreme right," they added. "That is why we want a government that guarantees equal rights, as well as active investigation, through practical tests, and effective punishment for discrimination."

Credit: Belga

In addition to the ABVV and ACV unions, Amnesty International, Greenpeace, 11.11.11, Saamo, various youth movements and youth work organisations, Hart Boven Hard, Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen, the Collectif des Sans-Papiers, the Flemish Youth Council, and the League for Human rights also took part.

The Brussels-Capital/Ixelles police zone recommends that traffic avoid the Albertina Square (at Mont des Arts) where the march will start, and several sectors where the demonstration will pass: Boulevard de l'Empereur, Place de La Chapelle, Rue Joseph Stevens, Rue des Minimes, Rue Watteeu, Rue Ernest Allard, Place Poelaert, Rue de la Régence, Place Royale, Coudenberg and Mont des Arts.

Traffic disruptions are expected from noon to 17:00, the police added.

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