Massive fight breaks out on Blankenberge beach

Massive fight breaks out on Blankenberge beach

A massive brawl involving dozens of people broke out Saturday afternoon on the Blankenberge beach on the Belgian coast.

The fight started when a lifeguard pointed out to a group of about 40 young people that sitting on the breakwater was prohibited. Refusing to leave, the police were called and a brawl between the group and police broke out.

“There was suddenly massive fighting and total chaos broke out. Sun umbrellas and sunbeds flew, windsurfing poles were used as weapons,” a bar manager told De Standaard. Hundreds of beachgoers followed the spectacle from the side.

Several police reinforcements arrived on the scene from Bruges and De Haan, arresting a number of people.

“I think this is terrible,” Mayor Daphné Dumery said. ”For people who come with good intentions and want to enjoy a day in Blankenberge, this is very bad. I think of children and their parents,” she told the daily.

New measures to safeguard the public security could now be taken for the coming days which are expected to continue be hot, and attract lots of people to the beach.

The Brussels Times

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