Greens call for extension of legal deadline for abortions

Greens call for extension of legal deadline for abortions
Credit: Belga

Ecolo -Groen launched an appeal on Tuesday to other progressive political parties to form a majority to extend the deadline for the legal interruption of pregnancies.

Over the past few months, many texts have been lodged in the Chamber to achieve this objective, which had led to passionate debates in the previous legislature.

The document put forward by the Greens seeks to increase the deadline for the legal interruption of pregnancies from 12 to 18 weeks, scrap penal sanctions against the women and do away with the obligation to provide information on adoption possibilities to women seeking abortions.

“Today we are calling on all progressive parties to unite around a joint text,” Ecolo parliamentarian Sarah Schlitz urged. “As we’ve already said, we are available to put together a federal government without the N-VA (Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie) that would include this demand.”

The socialist (PS), DéFI and labour (PTB) parties have already filed texts in the Chamber for decriminalising abortion.

In the previous legislature, a compromise had been reached within the then majority, comprising the reformists (MR), N-VA, Christen Democratisch en Vlaams (CD&V) and Open Vld, to delete abortion from the Penal Code but maintain penal sanctions while softening some conditions.

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