Less job vacancies in 2019 second quarter

Less job vacancies in 2019 second quarter
Credit: Belga

Belgian companies offered 139,000 job vacancies in the second quarter of 2019, against 147,700 in the previous quarter, Belgian Statistics Office Statbel said on Monday. The job vacancies ratio (number of vacancies as per total number of posts in a given company) also fell by 3.64% to 3.41%. 

The three regions have experienced a decline, with 2,800 fewer vacancies in Brussels, 2,100 in Wallonia and 3,800 Flanders. The vacancy rate remains higher in Flanders (3.8%), then Brussels (3.1%) and Wallonia (2.6%). 

More than three quarters (76.9%) of these vacancies are concentrated in five economic sectors: non-market (22.7%, 31,500), sciences and services (18.8%, 26,100), industry (13.5%, 18,700), trade (12.3%, 17,100) and construction (9.6%, 13,400).

The Brussels Times

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