Belgium joins call for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza at UN General Assembly

Belgium joins call for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza at UN General Assembly

Belgium joined  119 other States in requesting an “immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce leading to a cessation of hostilities” in Gaza, in a non-binding resolution passed on Friday evening at theUN General Assembly.

The resolution, sponsored by Jordan, obtained the required two-thirds majority at the General Assembly. Fourteen States voted against, including Israel and the United States, and there 45 abstentions.

“Belgium supports this initiative, which seeks to protect citizens and free hostages, encourage compliance with international law by all parties, establish a humanitarian ceasefire and avoid an escalation of violence in the region, Belgian Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib said in a press release.

Belgium also reiterated its profound condemnation of the horrific acts of terror committed in Israel by Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. “Terrorism must be combated under all circumstances,” Brussels insisted.

Further, Belgium unequivocally recognises Israel’s right to self-defence. This right, indisputable according to international law, must be exercised in compliance with international humanitarian law, the statement noted.

Friday’s resolution demands adherence to international humanitarian law by all parties. It calls for unhampered access for all necessary humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip by Israel and Hamas, and the “immediate and unconditional release” of all civilians held captive.

Israel and the United States opposed the resolution, citing its failure to mention Hamas. Israel subsequently labelled the resolution as “disgraceful” in its response.

Resolutions from the General Assembly are symbolic and therefore non-binding, unlike those passed by the Security Council.

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