Police in northern Brussels to confiscate cars of driving offenders

Police in northern Brussels to confiscate cars of driving offenders
The police zone in northern Brussels will start confiscating cars from drivers displaying a "dangerous behaviour." Credit: © Belga

Driving offenders in northern Brussels could start seeing their cars impounded as soon as next month as local police prepare to double down on road safety enforcement in the area.

The Brussels-North Police Zone, competent for the Brussels municipalities of Schaerbeek, Evere and Saint-Josse, will move to seize cars from any driver they estimate to have "a dangerous behaviour."

The measure could see police skip fining and referring an offending driver to the public prosecutor, namely in cases where there is no legal infringement but where police determine a driver is endangering others, according to Bruzz.

"Suppose than an agent determines that someone is driving 45 in a 50 zone, but does so in a way that endangers others," spokesperson Audrey Dereymaeker told the outlet. "The public prosecutor will rule there has been no infringement of excessive speed, but we could seize the car on the basis of dangerous behaviour."

The spokesperson said the initiative had been extensively discussed with public prosecutors and, after receiving the green-light, it could be ready to be implemented "as soon as next month."

The maximum number of days a car may be confiscated is still to be determined, and the driver will reportedly bear the brunt of the towing and storage costs.

Initially, vehicle confiscations will only be carried out as part of planned road safety operations, the spokesperson said.

The police will work with commercial towing services for the confiscation and storing of the confiscated vehicles, she added.

Gabriela Galindo

The Brussels Times

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