Close to 5,000 persons demonstrate in Namur against Covid-19 measures

Close to 5,000 persons demonstrate in Namur against Covid-19 measures
Credit: Belga

Close to 5,000 persons demonstrated on Saturday in Namur against vaccine mandates and discrimination in the health sector, according to police estimates.

The protest, authorised by the authorities, was organised by the non-profit Lagardière medical and social centre, headed by Dr. David Bouillon and located in the Mons area.

Demonstrators brandished placards bearing messages such as: "Vaxx or not, let’s remain united", "No to the pass", "Respect the individual beliefs of everyone”, “My body, my choice, my life”, and “Our children are not Guinea-pigs.”

A previous demonstration had attracted over 1,500 persons in early September in Brussels. This time around, the demonstrators gathered in Namur at 1 p.m. then moved through the streets of the Walloon capital until 5 pm. They then assembled at Louise-Marie Park, where they were addressed by various speakers.

The entire protest was calm, according to the police, which said there were no violent incidents.

Dr. Bouillon and his sympathisers base their rejection of vaccination and of the health pass on the 2002 Patients’ Rights Act. They are also asking for an end to “censorship” and “medical disinformation”, and freedom to prescribe for the medical corps.

At the end of the protest, Dr. Bouillon announced that a new demonstration would be organised soon in Liège.

The Brussels Times

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