Coronavirus: 250 new infections, 27 hospital admissions in Belgium

Coronavirus: 250 new infections, 27 hospital admissions in Belgium
Credit: Belga

250 additional people have tested positive for the new coronavirus (Covid-19) in Belgium, confirmed the Federal Public Health Service during a press conference on Monday.

This brings the total number of cases in Belgium, since the beginning of the pandemic, to 57,342. The total reflects all people in Belgium who have been infected, and includes confirmed active cases as well as patients who have since recovered, or died from the consequences of the virus.

175 of the newly-infected people live in Flanders, 50 live in Wallonia, and 25 live in Brussels. “The trend of new infections is still decreasing, by about 12% per day over the last 7 days,” said professor Steven Van Gucht.

6,826 coronavirus tests have been taken in Belgium in the past 24 hours, of which 5,393 in the clinical labs, and 1,433 by the federal testing platform. "The number is a little lower than the past few days, likely due to the weekend," he said.

27 new patients were admitted to hospital in the last 24 hours, and 25 were discharged. The total number of people in hospital because of the coronavirus at the moment is 1,334. “This trend is decreasing again, by about 3% per day,” Van Gucht said.

Of the patients in hospital, 251 are in the intensive care unit. “As with the other trends over the last 7 days, this trend is also still decreasing by about 4% per day,” he said.

32 new deaths have been reported, bringing the total number of people who died because of the coronavirus to 9,312. “The trend in the number of newly-reported deaths also decreases by about 2% per day,” Van Gucht said.

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"We are in the tail end of the epidemic, and all parameters are evolving in a downward trend," said Van Gucht. "However, the risks have not disappeared. It remains important that we keep respecting the basic principles," he added.

"Stay at home as much as possible, and definitely when you are sick. Wash your hands regularly. Wear a face mask in crowded places, and definitely on public transport. Avoid unnecessary contact with others, and remain within your bubble. Lastly, keep the 1.5 metres social distance," Van Gucht said.

"These measures are not a menu to choose from. They are all equally important, and we need to respect all of them, always. This is an 'and' story, not an 'or' one," Van Gucht stressed.

From now on, the press conference will only take place on Friday, when Sciensano's weekly report will be presented, according to Yves Stevens, spokesperson for the National Crisis Centre.

Update: The number of patients confirmed with the new coronavirus (Covid-19) in Belgium is 57,455, as of Tuesday 26 May. Read more about it here.

Maïthé Chini

The Brussels Times

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