Belgium’s National Security Council (NSC) will meet on Monday 27 July, Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès announced on Twitter on Saturday.
The next National Security Council meeting was initially set for Friday but was moved forward.
De NVR komt nu maandag bijeen op basis van een nieuw rapport van Celeval. Doel: bekijken of er aanvullende nationale maatregelen moeten worden genomen. Een sterke lokale aanpak is ook van fundamenteel belang voor de meest getroffen gebieden.
— Sophie Wilmès (@Sophie_Wilmes) July 25, 2020
Translation: “The NSC is now meeting on Monday on the basis of a new report from Celeval. Goal: to see whether additional measures need to be taken. A strong local approach is also fundamental for the most affected areas.”
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Infectious disease expert Erika Vlieghe called for daily assessments on Friday, biostatistician Geert Molenberghs stressed that time was running out and, on Saturday, Health Minister Maggie De Block’s spokesperson said that she also wanted the National Security Council to meet earlier.
They were joined by people in academia and the medical world in their pleas. University of Ghent rector Rik Van de Walle launched a hashtag, #NVRnu (’NSC now’) that went viral.
Tal van experten, medische en niet-medische, pleiten ervoor: het coronabeleid moet snel bijgestuurd worden. Daarmee wachten is een zéér slecht idee; we kunnen ons dat simpelweg niet veroorloven. Daarom: roep de Nationale Veiligheidsraad samen. Nú. #NVRnu
— Rik Van de Walle (@rvdwalle) July 25, 2020
Translation: “Numerous experts, medical and non-medical, argue for it: the corona policy needs to be adjusted quickly. Waiting for this is a very bad idea; we simply cannot afford it. Therefore: convene the National Security Council. Now. #NSCnow”
Van de Walle's hashtag was the number one trending topic on Twitter as of 5:00 PM on Saturday.
The Brussels Times