Tourism sector betting on July for summer recovery

Tourism sector betting on July for summer recovery
Credit: Belga.

Optimism is in the air for Brussels' tourism sector, with La Capitale reporting that tourism may return to pre-Covid levels this summer.

After two difficult years, the Brussels tourism sector is hoping for a rebound this summer, particularly in the month of July.

According to Fabian Maingain, the City of Brussels' Economic Affairs Councillor, "until June, we had a very good recovery of tourists in Brussels," adding to the paper that "over 1.5 million people visiting the city centre in April, May, and June."

Furthermore, hotel rooms booked over the weekend in June were said to be comparable to the same period in 2019.

Hopes for a jubilant July

For these sectors, July is the month to target as current estimates and indicators seem to be on the up.

What helps are the numerous events planned in the capital during the month. Chief among them are the festivals that are coming back this summer. The world-famous Tomorrowland festival, for example, is expecting 600,000 visitors over three weekends, instead of the previous two, which will have a significant impact on hotel bookings in Brussels.

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However, Rodolphe van Weyenbergh of the Brussels Hotels Association is wary, telling La Capitale that he isconcerned about the airline sector strikes and the current uptake in Covid-19 cases across Europe.

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