Royal Library to build glass elevator to rooftop overlooking Mont des Arts

Royal Library to build glass elevator to rooftop overlooking Mont des Arts
Credit: Wikipedia

The Royal Library of Belgium (KBR) on the Mont des Arts in Brussels' city centre wants to build a glass elevator that opens onto the roof terrace to make the entrance to the library more visible and the roof terrace more accessible.

Currently, those who want to visit the KBR's rooftop or restaurant have to enter via the library building itself and take the indoor elevator to the fifth floor. A new elevator would make access to the roof simpler as well as accentuate the current main entrance of the library.

"The so-called Gutenberg entrance is sometimes difficult to find for new visitors. It is entrance is a bit lower, at minus 2, and in a corner. Difficult for signage," KBR director Sara Lammens told Bruzz, adding that the new elevator can become an additional attraction of the building.

The elevator will be located in the entrance hall of the building, and go up and down at a slow pace – giving visitors plenty of time to look around. "Outside, they will see the Mont des Arts, inside they pass our museum. From the elevator, they will be able to look at the manuscripts of the Dukes of Burgundy.”

Semi-public access

On the fifth floor, a balcony overlooking the Mont des Arts will be constructed. "Anyone who wants can go from there to the roof terrace and the restaurant," said Lammens. "But we are also going to place a few benches and trees near the elevator exit."

This will make the rooftop terrace into a semi-public place: it will be accessible to everyone, even those who do not want to go to the library or the restaurant, but only during the opening hours.

The elevator will also stop at level zero, which is called the "peristyle" floor: the colonnade where receptions and other events take place in the summer. The original entrance to the KBR was also located there.

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Now, there is a possibility that the main entrance may be reopened in the future; the KBR has a plan to create a public passage at the Gutenberg entrance so that the public can walk through the building to the Rue de Ruysbroeck and Sablon and no longer have to go around the entire building.

The feasibility study on the passage was completed last year. "For security reasons, it is best to separate the passageway from the library's operations. That means we have to move our reception area and cloakroom," said Lammens.

The new lift will cost approximately €1 million and is financed by the Beliris construction agency. The public inquiry into the lift plans will run until 5 October.

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