Anonymous donor continues to finance bike projects in Brussels with additional €800,000

Anonymous donor continues to finance bike projects in Brussels with additional €800,000
Credit: Pxfuel.

The Bikes in Brussels Fund, which is financed by an anonymous donor, has just collected an additional €800,000, which will be used to widen the cycle path on Boulevard du Souverain, among other things.

The fund was established at the end of 2018 by the King Baudouin Foundation and distributes money on a regular basis to support cycling projects in Brussels, all financed by the anonymous benefactor, according to Bruzz.

On Thursday, another investment of €800,000 for ten different projects was announced on the King Baudouin Foundation's website.

Some of the other projects, apart from the Boulevard du Souverain cycling path, include a cycle crossing to link up the VUB and ULB campuses, road markings for local cycle itineraries, bicycle racks, and secured cycle parking in schools, at associations, a youth centre and a health centre.

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“The objective is clear: to enable more people to opt for the bicycle as the preferred way of getting around, safely and effectively, in and to the Brussels-Capital Region,” said the King Baudouin Foundation.

“The Fund gives its support to initiatives of all sizes – small, medium and larger projects – set up by associations, government bodies and cooperations of private and public partners, to improve cycling infrastructure and equipment in Brussels.”

The Bikes in Brussels Fund has already supported 37 initiatives to promote the use of bicycles in Brussels, for a total of nearly €3.5 million.

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