Antwerp hospitals launch online coronavirus symptoms survey

Antwerp hospitals launch online coronavirus symptoms survey
A network of hospitals has launched an online survey to guide people who believe they may have contracted the new coronavirus. Credit: Stock image/Pexels

A hospital network in Antwerp has launched an online questionnaire for people who think they may be infected with the new coronavirus (Covid-19).

Created by the Antwerp Hospital Network (ZNA), the questionnaire surveys respondents on their symptoms in order to give them an "estimate of the chance" they have of being infected with the coronavirus as well as information about next steps.

"The number of infections with the coronavirus in Belgium is increasing very rapidly. The number of patients who register with ZNA is also increasing," the ZNA wrote in an online statement.

While the main parts of the survey are currently only available in Dutch, the introduction is available in English, French, Dutch and Spanish, and the questions can be translated using a browser plugin.

The survey questions users on symptoms like fever, sneezing, sore muscles or sore throat, with the questions changing depending on the answers given.

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"This online tool does not provide a diagnosis," ZNA spokesperson Renée Willems told De Standaard. "The tool ensures that people do not needlessly worry or go to the emergency room."

The results of the survey are sent by email along with advice depending on the situation, and respondents also receive a daily reminder to take the survey in order to monitor their symptoms, from which they can opt-out.

Those with higher chances of having contracted the virus are advised to contact their doctor by phone and provided with health advice and guidelines to follow.

The publication of their survey at the weekend comes as the number of hospitalisations due to the coronavirus pandemic in Belgium rose to 1,380.

On Sunday, an additional 355 people were admitted into the hospital and the number of patients put in the intensive care unit (ICU) rose over fivefold, from 52 to 290.

Gabriela Galindo

The Brussels Times

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