Belgian regions can expand the use of Covid Safe Ticket 

Belgian regions can expand the use of Covid Safe Ticket 
Credit: Belga

On Tuesday evening, the Federal Government and its entities agreed upon the terms of a cooperation agreement to expand the use of the Covid Safe Ticket (CST), the cabinet of Minister for Health Frank Vandenbroucke confirmed.

The pass will now be valid until at least 31 October (previously 30 September) and from 1 October, federal entities can use the document in situations they deem necessary. The cooperation agreement still needs to be officially adopted by the Council of Ministers and then by a Consultative Committee, which will likely be held virtually before that already scheduled for 17 September.

From 1 - 31 October, the CST can be used for indoor events of 500 people or more and outdoor events of 750 or more; current limits are 200 or more indoors and 400 or more outdoors. It will also be mandatory for events of 3000 or more indoors and 5000 or more outdoors. The upper limit of 75,000 participants will remain in place.

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From October, federal entities can also decide to introduce the CST for persons of 16 years and above in hospitality venues, dancehalls and discos, sports clubs and gyms, commercial fairs and conventions, and associated cultural, festive and recreational gatherings. The pass will be needed from the age of 12 years for those wishing to visit relations in hospitals and care homes.

From 1 November - 30 June 2022, the use of the CST can be reintroduced for shorter periods, should the epidemiological situation require it. Decisions relating to the future implementation of the CST can be taken by federal entities for the concerned regions (after a Risk Assessment Group) as well as by the Federal Government for the country as a whole. This will remain the case providing that the "pandemic law" remains in place.

These measures will already apply to the Brussels-Capital Region from 1 October due to its lower vaccination rate comparative to Flanders and Wallonia.

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